緣起 Origin
此次的未來 X 設計國際學術研討會,藉由本設計學院、設計學博士學位學程及室內設計系的資源,以及邀請美國、日本、馬來西亞和國內等專家學者進行學術交流,激發出人與設計之間的深入融合與互動。
With the impact of the rapid technological change on development, the sharing of information on modern design becomes more frequently which presents a variety of profession on architecture, landscape, interior design, commercial design and product design. Nevertheless, humanist spirit should also be concerned in today’s design. Humanistic ethos emphasizes the modern design must relate with human perspective first; be developed and changed as lifestyle changes or environment improves.
The college of Design, Ph. D. Program in Design and Department of Interior Design of Chung Yuan University dedicate to bringing experts from the United States of America, Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan to conduct academic discussions and sessions in “Future X Design” 2021 international academic conference. In addition, provide necessary resources as well. To inspire and knowledge scholars about the integration of humanism and design achieving the core value of “Future X Design”.
目的 Purpose
未來 X 設計國際學術研討會強調關心三個層面: 「人」、「設計」及「創新」,將人、設計及創新導入多元設計(跨)領域,涵蓋建築、景觀、室內設計、商業設計、產品設計、文化創意及社會設計,思考友善性、互動性、文化性與設計之間的價值,為未來國內設計環境,挹注創新、永續與創業的契機。
1. 友善性設計與跨領域
2. 互動性設計與跨領域
3. 創新性設計與跨領域
4. 永續性設計與跨領域
5. 文化性設計與跨領域
6. 其他
The three main ideas which are conducted in this “Future X Design” international academic conference are: “people”, “design” and “innovation”. The conference brings the three key elements into multi-design (cross) field, including architecture, landscape, interior design, commercial design, product design, cultural creativity and social design. Exploring the main value of design between friendliness, interactivity and culture to present well innovation, sustainability and start-up opportunities for the future design environment.
The main discussion topics of the conference are drafted as follows:
1. Friendly design with cross field
2. Interactive design with cross field
3. Innovative design with cross field
4. Sustainable design with cross field
5. Cultural design with cross field
預期效益 Expected Benefits
1. 學術交流:
(1) 邀集對於「未來X設計」相關議題之國內外學者進行會談,分享他們不同文化思維的設計觀點,邀具有研究與實務經驗之學術及產業從業人員等各界人士共同參與,以促進國際學術交流,並強化研究生學術能量及培養他們國際視野。
(2) 邀請來自日本、馬來西亞、美國及國內學者多人進行專題演講,並邀請國內外100位之設計跨領域教師與博、碩士研究生共同參與論文發表及討論。
2. 知識分享:
(1) 預計徵集50篇論文,經匿名審查方式通過分口頭發表與海報發表後將集結出版論文集(申請ISBN),以促進「未來X設計」之研究與實踐發展。
(2) 優秀論文經由審查委員推薦,將推薦轉投期刊發表於「設計學研究」(ISSN:1562-9708)、「先進工程學刊」(ISSN:1991-797X) 等高水準學術國內著名期刊(須另依照期刊規定審查)。
(3) 研討會相關訊息,將公告於中原大學設計學博士學位學程網站上,並設立專區提供相關國際學術交流及討論。 (https://wp.cycu.edu.tw/phdpd/icfxd2021/)
The expected benefits of this international academic seminar are as follows:
1. Academic Activities:
(1) Several design-related domestic and foreign scholars are invited to “Future X Design” seminar to speech and share their thought from different cultural perspectives. Researchers, students, industrial practitioners and related-field designers are also welcomed to participate in this conference. “Future X Design” promotes international academic activities, strengthen and broaden graduate students’ horizons.
(2) The expected participants of this conference includes 3 foreign speakers, 10 domestic scholars; and 50 teachers, masters/doctoral students and practical workers who come from different art-related universities across the country.
2. Knowledge Sharing:
(1) 50 papers are expected to collect in this conference. Through anonymous reviewing process, excellent papers will be selected for publication. In addition, the paper are revised again based on the experts’ suggestions after the conference. Ultimately, the “Future X Design” conference formally gather and publish a collection of essays to promote the research and development in Taiwan.
(2) Distinguished papers which are recommended by experts will be submitted to Journal of Design Science (ISSN:1562-9708), Advanced Engineering Journal (ISSN:1991-797X) and other high-standard academic domestic and foreign citation indexes.
(3) The information of this conference is post on Chung Yuan University | PhD Program in Design website. The knowledge sharing and discussion area are provided as well. (https://wp.cycu.edu.tw/phdpd/icfxd2021-en/)